How can I call Nigeria?

If you’re new to Rebtel, first you need to get your account set up:

Download the Rebtel app from the App Store or Google Play and create your account. 

If your device is an older model and does not support the latest version of our app you can also call using  Shared Local Numbers if you live in a Rebtel Country.

Purchase the Monthly Limited Subscription to Nigeria so you have an active calling offer. Be aware that it will renew automatically every 30 days unless cancelled.


Set up how you want to connect your calls

Choose how you want your call connected, using phone lines, Wi-Fi or mobile data.


Phone Lines

This option connects your calls through your mobile operator as if they were a local call, so you will be charged at local rates through your mobile carrier. It is perfect if you have cheap or unlimited local minutes.

This option is not available in every country. Check here to see if your country of residence is included.


These calls are made via your internet connection, so you won’t be charged through your mobile operator. It works best when you have a strong, reliable Wi-Fi connection. If your internet connection is unstable this will affect the quality of your calls.

Mobile Data (3G/4G)

Your calls will be connected via 3G or 4G. This is perfect when you have an unlimited data plan and want to call your family on the go!


The auto-connect feature connects your calls automatically using the strongest connection available to provide you with the best call quality.

Travel Mode

If you are traveling and want to call internationally with Rebtel, select the "travel mode" option to avoid additional fees and roaming charges. It will only allow you to call using your Wi-Fi. We want to help you avoid those extra charges as much as possible.


Now you’re set up and can make a call!

I want to call with a number from my contact list

If you wish to call a number from your contact list, select the field at the top of the app screen and type in the name of the person you wish to call.


Select the contact. If the contact has more than one phone number a dropdown with their numbers will appear. Select the number you wish to call.

Make sure the number is in international format! That means it should start with either a + or 00, followed by the country code, 234 for Nigeria, followed by the phone number.


Once the number is highlighted in red click on the green telephone button on the bottom right of the screen. The app will select the best option if you have left the calling setup on Auto, and connect your call. The calling option being used will be displayed for you while the call connects.

Advice for the world traveler: Make a habit of saving phone numbers to your contact list in international format. That way you’ll also be able to call your local contacts when you’re traveling without modifying the number!

I want to dial the number manually

To call a number by dialing it manually click on the 9 dots icon on the right of the search bar at the top of the app screen. Clicking on it will open up the dial screen. Select Nigeria by clicking on the little flag icon. This will provide the dial code for Nigeria for you (+234).

Make sure the number is in international format! That means it should start with either a + or 00, followed by the country code, 234 for Nigeria, followed by the phone number.


Once you’ve typed out the number you wish to call press the green dial button right below.

The app will select the best option if you’ve left the calling setup on Auto, and connect your call. The calling option being used will be displayed for you while the call connects.


How will I know if I’m about to run out of credit?

When you have 5 minutes left on your limited subscription you will be given a prompt to renew. 

The Rebtel App won’t run on my phone, can I still call?

Yes! If your phone doesn’t support the newest version of the Rebtel app, then there are still two ways for you to make calls with Rebtel. You can create your account through our website and call with Shared Local Numbers.


Shared local numbers

The idea is that you’re often calling from a specific phone number to a specific phone number, so you set up a special local access number just for you. When you call that number from your registered Rebtel phone number we know it’s you and we know who you want to call, so we connect you to your international contact directly.

To learn how to call with shared local numbers please read this article.

These options are not available in every country. Find the list of countries where these options are offered here.


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